Book your Participation



All branded (not bulk) wine, food and beverage sold by retail stores are eligible to participate in the contests. The products to be evaluated must be in the appropriate condition for tasting and their distinctive information must be written out correctly and clearly on the label, i.e. they must be products ready to be sold to the consumer public.

Participation Form

  • Packaging Awards (HERE)

Regulations of Competitions​

Regulations for the PACKAGING competition (Read)

Participation Fees

4 products

Participation fee is $520 including max 4 products (or 4 labels) for example: white wine, red wine, rose wine and sparkling wine. If you are participating with more than 4 samples, the fee is $110 (each additional product)

1 product

If you are participating with 1 product the participation fee is $200

Send the Samples

Send the samples to the organizing company on Thursday at 23th May 2020